Artificial intelligence

Automated Customs Technology

Dealing with Customs Declarations has never been more complicated. Our FastNet™ software was built to make it easy.


Eliminate Compliance-Related Risks & Streamline Your Customs Processes Across The World

Reduce Customs Costs, Mitigate Trading Risks, Enable Growth Without Investment In Recruitment & Training

Customs Declaration Automation

FastNetextracts data from shipping documents, understands the content, detects and corrects errors and produces compliant data for your declarations.

Our Customs A.I. tool is called FastNet™. It  extracts information from shipping packs and produces compliant data. This improves accuracy and productivity and provides business growth opportunities.
FastNet™ © CustomsPlus Ltd 2021

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Compliance Codes

ColossNet evaluates the HS Codes extracted from original documents by FastNet, checks them for accuracy and, in the event of an error, finds the correct code to complete a compliant declaration

ColossNet™ examines HIS codes, EORI and REX numbers extracted by FastNet, checks them for accuracy and finds the correct codes. It can then amend the error and remember the correct code for future reference.
ColossNet CustomsPlus Ltd 2021

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Automated Customs Entry

DeclareNet automates your Customs Declaration filing.

DeclareNet™ takes the verified and enriched data provided by FastNet and ColossNet and formats it to be automatically entered into Customs Declarations forms or the online declaration portal for your territory.

With a single further click, your fully compliant Customs Declaration is complete.

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Data storage, search and audit trail

Secure data archive

GenevaNet™ is a highly secure archive, designed for Customs Data. It stores images of original documents, files of data extracted, records of operator actions and submitted declarations.

It provides logical search and retrieval for operators, managers and for Customs Officials, enabling AEO Status acquisition and maintenance.

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Management Information

TermaNet Dashboards deliver concise, accurate information in real time, enabling Senior and Middle Managers to bring their experience and skills to bear on the decision-making process.

TermaNet™ M.I. dashboards deliver bespoke sets of accurate information in real time, covering the performance of teams, the tools they use and the status of declarations, clearances and cargo around the World.
TermaNet CustomsPlus Ltd 2021

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More than Freight Audit

Monitor and measure your costs and more

MatriSC™ Supply Chain Audit App monitors your supply chain costs not limited to transport. It provides information about all costs and impacts, including indicators of carbon footprint for inclusion in environmental impact statements.

Delivers true landed costs at a purchase order to SKU level.

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We built The CustomsPlus Suite to solve all your Customs issues

Our suite of A.I. tools are essentiall for optimising and streamlining your customs compliance process. Incorporating Cloud-based Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, we provide electronic data capture and processing with an extremely high accuracy rate. Our automated platform drastically decreases the labour intensive, time-consuming manual processes currently used within the industry and provides management information that will drive business development.

Define Compliance Needs & Strategy

The correct approach to dealing with Customs Compliance is different for every company. With the huge amount of knowledge and experience available at CustomsPlus™, we can set you on the right path to optimising your Customs Strategy, leading to efficiency and confidence.

Extract, Verify & Correct Shipping Data

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning drive genuine automation of your Customs process.

Our suite of products will improve speed, accuracy and cost by picking up every mismatch and error in shipping documents and correcting them.

Organise, Store and Analyse Your Inputs

Organising your information in a certain way will help you acquire AEO status and make Customs Inspections a breeze.

Perfectly presented, bespoke analysis dashboards provide you with all the information you need to monitor and manage the supply chain - and provide you with data that will give you a competitive edge.


As well as being cost effective, CustomsPlus™ products and services are designed to be improve and streamline your international trade, customs management and trade compliance.
CustomsPlus™ will help you prepare for and take full advantage of the trend for digitisation in
customs and trade. ​

fastnet ai

We provide the right solution to every customer

You only get the best results from automation when it is designed by industry experts to suit your needs and delivered by the best Cloud developers around.

We promise that we will deliver the right tools for the job AND make sure your people are trained to get the best out of them and are happy with both method and results.

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Optimising the Customs Entry Process across The World...

Discover how we deliver Automated Customs Technology, Compliance Services and Strategic Consultancy : all designed to make your Customs interactions so efficient that they present as enterprise opportunities.

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