A case study

Duty Recovery

How We Turn Headaches Into Head-Starts


In 2023 we were conducted an investigation on behalf of a client of ours at the time. The client initially
approached us about automating their customs declarations through white-labeling our services.
Throughout our discovery calls the client referenced ‘previous mistakes’, we soon found  that
duty may have been incorrectly overpaid or underpaid on shipments dating back to January 2021.

The Process

Our 4 step Approach is carried out by our team of subject matter experts and executed to the highest standards.
  1. First we offer an initial consultation and potential call to ensure we meet the wants and needs of our customers and more. Here we work collaboratively to understand current work-flow patterns and agree on initial solution concepts.
  2. We will follow up from this with an initial analytical findings call. At this stage we will present data back to our customer so they can see it in a clear and concise format, highlighting key areas of alert.
  3. Our next steps involve the CustomsPlus team undertaking full checking, down to each entry number, reviewing documentation to ensure our initial findings are reflective for a customers duty reclaim to customs authorities.
  4. We are here every step of the way, so our customers can be put at ease that they we will be available for any on-hand support or assistance in their duty recovery projects.


Identify incorrectly paid duty
at entry number level.
Ensuring our customer
remains compliant with
customs authorities long after
our contract has ended.


Using analytic data to identify
shortfalls in data or errors
through duty payments. With
long-term resolutions. We
produce work-flows and
training to prevent mistakes
from repeating.


The customer is able to
recover overpaid duty
amounts aiding their business
in regaining lost profit. While
becoming a highly compliant
business removing custom
based headaches from past,
present and future.

The Results

A Report Dashboard Showing the results of a case study, identifying duty overpayment and underpayments