Customs Plus

Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy Addendum to CustomsPlus SaaS Terms & Conditions


This current consolidated AcceptableUse Policy was published on 18 October 2022.

1              Introduction

1.1          This Acceptable Use Policy (as Updated from time totime) is incorporated into our Agreement pursuant to the Master SaaS Terms. It governs how the Customer and AuthorisedUsers may access and use the Services.

1.2          Defined terms in this AcceptableUse Policy shall have the meaning given in the Master SaaS Terms as applied by our Agreementand the same rules of interpretation apply. In addition, in this Acceptable Use Policy the following definitionshave the meanings given below:

Master SaaS Terms

means the latest version of the document available at  as Updated from time to time; and


means any virus, disabling code (including code intended to  limit or prevent any use of any software or system) or other malicious  software (including malware, trojan horses, ransomware and spyware).

1.3          The Customer and Authorised Users are only permitted to use andaccess the Services for the Permitted Purpose as defined in our Agreementand in accordance with its terms. Use of the Services(or any part) in any other way, including in contravention of any restrictionon use set out in this Acceptable Use Policy,is not permitted. If any person does not agree with the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy, they may not use the Services.

2              Restrictions on use

2.1          As a condition of use of the Services, the Customer(on its own behalf and on behalf of all AuthorisedUsers) and each Authorised Useragrees not to use the Services nor permitthem to be used:

2.1.1      for any purpose that is unlawful under any applicablelaw or prohibited by this Acceptable Use Policyor our Agreement;

2.1.2      to commit any act of fraud;

2.1.3      to distribute any Virus;

2.1.4      for purposes of promoting unsolicited advertising orsending spam;

2.1.5      to simulate communications from the Supplier or anotherservice or entity in order to collect identity information, authenticationcredentials, or other information (‘phishing’);

2.1.6      in any manner that disrupts the operations, business,equipment, websites or systems of the Supplier or any other person or entity(including any denial of service and similar attacks);

2.1.7      in any manner that harms or may endanger minors or anyother person;

2.1.8      in connection with any service, use or purpose wherethe failure of the Services (or any part)may endanger the health or life of any person or cause damage or loss to anytangible property or the environment;

2.1.9      to promote any unlawful activity;

2.1.10   to represent or suggest that the Supplier endorses anyother business, product or service unless the Supplier has separately agreed todo so in writing;

2.1.11   to gain unauthorised access to or use of any computers,data, systems, accounts or networks of any person;

2.1.12   in any manner which may impair any other person’s useof the Services or use of any otherservices provided by the Supplier to any other person;

2.1.13   to attempt to circumvent any security controls ormechanisms;

2.1.14   to attempt to circumvent any password or userauthentication methods of any person;

2.1.15   in any manner inconsistent with our Agreement, therelevant User Manual or any instructionsprovided by the Supplier from time to time; or

2.1.16   in any manner which does not comply with the provisionsrelating to Intellectual Property Rightscontained in our Agreement.

3              Customer Data and communication standards

3.1          Any Customer Dataor communication made on or using the Servicesby any person must conform to appropriate and lawful standards of accuracy,decency and lawfulness, which shall be applied in the Supplier’s discretion,acting reasonably. In particular, the Customer warrants and undertakes that anyCustomer Data and each such communicationshall at all times be:

3.1.1      submitted lawfully and without infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights of any person;

3.1.2      free of any Virus(at the point of entering any of the SubscribedService or Supplier’s systems);

3.1.3      factually accurate;

3.1.4      provided with all necessary consents of all relevantthird parties;

3.1.5      not defamatory or likely to give rise to an allegationof defamation;

3.1.6      not obscene, seditious, vulgar, pornographic, sexuallyexplicit, discriminatory or deceptive;

3.1.7      not abusive, threatening, offensive, harassing orinvasive of privacy;

3.1.8      free of any content or activity that is, or mayreasonably be suspected to be, terrorist in nature;

3.1.9      not racist, sexist or xenophobic;

3.1.10   not of a nature that any courts, regulators, lawenforcement authorities or other governmental authorities may order be blocked,deleted, suspended or removed;

3.1.11   not liable to offend religious sentiments or deeplyheld beliefs; and

3.1.12   unlikely to cause offence, embarrassment or annoyanceto any person.

4              Linking and other intellectual property matters

4.1          As a condition of use of the Services, the Customer(on its own behalf and on behalf of all AuthorisedUsers) and each Authorised Useragrees not to:

4.1.1      create a frame or any other browser or borderenvironment around the content of the Services(or any part);

4.1.2      display any of the trade marks or logos used on the Services without the Supplier’s permissiontogether with that of the owner of such trade marks or logos; or

4.1.3      use the Supplier’s trade marks, logos or trade names inany manner.


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